
Andrew Abramson, Founder, IP and Patent Attorney

Andrew Abramson is a registered patent attorney (Reg. No. 52,538) with over fifteen years of experience in patent application drafting and patent prosecution. Andrew has worked in both large law firms and a small law firm with just a few attorneys. Andrew has counseled and performed IP work for large corporations, medium-sized companies, universities, small companies, and solo inventors. Andrew has represented computer companies and medical device companies, such as Yahoo!®, Citrix®, and Boston Scientific®.

Andrew graduated from Suffolk University Law School, cum laude, with a concentration in Intellectual Property, with distinction. For the majority of his law school career, Andrew went to law school in the evening while working for a large law firm during the day. During his first year of law school, Andrew was ranked first in his law school class and also won the award for Best Legal Writing Brief. Andrew won the Carol DiMatti scholarship after his first year of law school.

Andrew also graduated from Binghamton University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. Andrew was a member of Eta Kappa Nu, the Electrical Engineering Honors Society. After graduating from Binghamton and before going to law school, Andrew worked at Raytheon, a defense contractor, as a software engineer.

Andrew is registered in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

About Us

Did you know that some of your favorite celebrities have gotten IP?

For example:

1) Abraham Lincoln, before becoming a politician, was awarded a patent on a device for a boat.

2) Michael Jackson patented specially designed shoes that could hitch into a device hidden beneath the stage and called it a method and means for creating an anti-gravity illusion.

3) Einstein holds 50 patents for items like hearing devices and refrigerators.

4) Jamie Lee Curtis Patented A Disposable Diaper That Included A Waterproof Pocket That Held Baby Wipes.

5) Mark Twain patented a better scrapbook.

IP strengthens businesses and can increase the sales of your company.

We love finding out about new inventions and new trademarks. Many famous people have received IP, but you can file IP for any sized business and individual. We enjoy helping you with your IP.

I recently had the opportunity to work with Andrew for filing my IP, and I am extremely impressed with the service he provided. Andrew is highly skilled and dedicated, and his commitment to his work sets an example for everyone.

     As a foreigner, I had limited knowledge of US trademark law, but with Andrew’s assistance, I was able to navigate through the entire process with ease. It is evident that he is not only running a business but genuinely cares about his client’s success and the quality of service he provides.

Andrew’s reliability is remarkable, and his communication and business approach are outstanding. He provided us with all the necessary information concisely and clearly, and he was prompt and supportive throughout the lengthy process of obtaining an IP. Moreover, his pricing was reasonable and fair. Thank you!

by Izi, School of Humanity