Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creation of the mind or human intellect. It includes inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Protecting IP is essential to prevent others from copying or stealing your work without permission or compensation. One way to protect your intellectual property is by filing a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, before you file a patent application, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough patent search to ensure that your invention is unique and eligible for protection. Here are some reasons why doing a patent search is critical for successful filings:

Types of Patent Applications

The USPTO grants three types of patents: utility, design, and plant. A utility patent covers functional aspects of an invention such as how it works or what it does. A design patent protects the visual appearance of an item, while a plant patent covers new varieties of plants. Each type of patent has its own requirements and procedures for filing. Conducting a patent search can help you determine which type of patent is best suited for your invention.

Filing a Provisional Application

A provisional patent application is a temporary measure that allows you to establish a priority date for your invention. It provides you with 12 months to develop and test your invention before filing a non-provisional patent application. Filing a provisional application is less expensive than filing a non-provisional application, but it doesn’t result in a granted patent. Therefore, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive patent search before filing a provisional application to ensure that your invention is novel and non-obvious.

Protecting Your Designs with Design Patents

Design patents cover the ornamental features of an item, such as its shape, color, texture, or pattern. They provide exclusive rights to use, reproduce, and sell the protected design. If you have a product with a unique design, filing a design patent application may be appropriate. Before filing a design patent application, however, you should conduct a patent search to ensure that your design isn’t already covered by another patent or pending application.


In conclusion, conducting a patent search is crucial for successful filings because it helps you identify potential issues with your invention, including prior art, and determine the most suitable type of patent application to file. By investing time and resources into conducting a thorough patent search, you increase your chances of obtaining strong patent protection and reducing the risk of infringement claims against you.