The Samsung Galaxy S10 is more successful than expected in the US, with sales running around 10 percent better than the Galaxy S9 did, according to figures from Counterpoint Research. Counterpoint and Wave7 Research surveyed US carrier stores to find out how well phones are selling in this critical channel. According to Wave7, Apple’s iPhones still have more than 50 percent sales share at all four carriers, although they’ve been dropping steadily over the past three months at AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile.
Samsung’s overall percentages of sales over the past 30 days are now 28 percent at AT&T, 30 percent at Verizon, 38 percent at Sprint, and 35 percent at T-Mobile, with Galaxy S10+ units selling out quickly, Wave7 says. iPhone users switching to Samsung are more common this year, according to carrier reps.
There aremanypatentsfortheSamsungGalaxyS10.Onefingerprintsensor patent(10,262,184; April16,2019;bySamsung ElectronicsCo.,Ltd.)detailsthe following:
“Anaspectof thepresentdisclosureistoprovidea method of activating a fingerprint sensor included ina display based on a pressure value sensed by apressure sensor and of performing various functionsdepending on a fingerprint verification result from thefingerprint sensor, and an electronic device forperformingthemethod.
Inaccordance withanaspectofthisdisclosure,anelectronic device is provided. The electronic deviceincludesahousingincludinga firstsurfacefacing ina firstdirection,and asecond
surfacefacinginaseconddirection opposite from the first direction, atouchscreen display interposed between the first andsecondsurfaces,andexposedthroughthefirstsurface, a pressure sensor interposed between the firstand second surfaces, in which the pressure sensor ispositioned to sense pressure of an external objectagainst the touchscreen display, a fingerprint sensorinterposed between the first and second surfaces andpositioned to detect a fingerprint on at least a portionof the touchscreen display, at least one processorpositioned inside the housing and electrically coupledtothetouchscreendisplay, thepressure sensor, and thefingerprintsensor,andamemorypositionedinside the housing and electrically coupled to the atleast one processor, in which the memory stores atleastoneregistered fingerprint. The memory may store instructions that, whenexecuted, cause the processor to sense pressure of auser’sfingeragainstthetouchscreen displayusingthepressure sensor, activate the fingerprint sensor uponsensing of the pressure, detect a fingerprint of theuser’s finger using the fingerprint sensor, determinewhether the detected fingerprint is matched with aregistered fingerprint of the at least one registeredfingerprint, and perform a preselected functionwithout further requiring authentication, when thedetected fingerprint is matched with any registered fingerprintoftheatleastoneregisteredfingerprint.”
From another website – “The Galaxy S10 andS10+ use an Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanner that isembedded into the screen. This uses soundwaves tocreateanintricate3Dmapof yourfingerprint.”