Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creation of the mind or human intellect. It includes inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. IP is protected by law through patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. In this blog post, we will focus on filing a provisional application for a patent.

Types of Patent Applications

There are three types of patent applications: provisional, non-provisional, and international. A provisional application is a temporary application that allows you to establish an early filing date for your invention while giving you time to develop it further before submitting a formal non-provisional application. Non-provisional applications are also known as utility patents and provide legal protection for an invention. International patent applications allow you to file one application in multiple countries at once.

Filing a Provisional Application

To file a provisional application, you need to include a written description of your invention along with drawings if necessary. The description should be detailed enough so that someone skilled in the field can understand how to make and use your invention. You do not have to include claims or oaths/declarations in a provisional application. Once you file a provisional application, you cannot add new matter to it, but you can reference it when filing a non-provisional application within one year from the provisional’s filing date.

The Importance of Conducting a Patent Search

Before filing any type of patent application, it is essential to conduct a thorough patent search to determine whether your invention has already been patented or published. This helps avoid wasting time and money on an idea that may not be eligible for patent protection. A patent search also provides valuable information about similar inventions, which could help improve your own invention or identify potential competitors.


In conclusion, obtaining a patent can protect your intellectual property rights and prevent others from profiting off your ideas without permission. Filing a provisional application is a cost-effective way to start the process of securing patent protection while allowing you time to refine your invention. Remember to always conduct a comprehensive patent search before filing any type of patent application.