Trademark 101: How to File an Application and Conduct a Search

Intellectual property is the creation of the mind or human intellect that has commercial value. It includes inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Protecting intellectual property rights is essential for businesses and individuals [...]


Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Everything You Need to Know About Patents, Trademarks and Designs

Intellectual property is a valuable asset that can help businesses and individuals protect their creative work. It refers to the creation of the mind or human intellect and includes inventions, artistic works, literary and musical pieces, logos, symbols, names, images, [...]


The Basics of Filing a Provisional Patent Application: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction to Intellectual Property: Intellectual property refers to the creation of the mind or human intellect. It includes inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Protecting intellectual property is essential for businesses and individuals [...]

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