Our Additional IP Services

We are offering a few more advanced IP solutions below:

1) If you want our services for the lowest price, please go back to the Services page

2) Would you want to file unlimited trademark applications and unlimited eveything related to trademarks?

       We can only accept a limited number of people for this.  Please call us if you are interested in this and we will discuss.

3) Would you want to file unlimited everything (patent filings and trademark filings)?

      We can only accept a limited number of people for this.  Please call us if you are interested in this and we will discuss.

You can click on the link below to get the engagement letter. Please read the entire letter, enter the client name at the start of the letter, at number 1, and below number 8. Then please sign and date the letter at the spot for the client. 

Patent Profiler Engagement Letter

After this, please send to me via email: general@patentprofiler.com.   The engagement letter is here and towards the bottom of this page. Thanks.


Every communication betweeen us is confidential, with NO exceptions. 

If it comes to it, I am willing to DIE from work to please you.

If you want to file a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), please see the fees I charge below. For all of the fees associated with the below, these do NOT include the USPTO filing, search and examination fees to file the intellectual property, nor do they include the price for paying a patent draftsmen to prepare formal drawings.

We are offering filing a free trademark application filing with the filing of a utility patent application.

Patent Profiler Engagement Letter

Please read the entire letter, enter the client name at the start of the letter, at number 1, and below
number 8. Then please sign and date the Letter at the spot for the client. 

After this, please send Us an Email at general@patentprofiler.com  

We sell e-books on every intellectual property subject. Want to visit this page?

Do you want coaching on intellectual property? Here is the coaching page.

What people are saying about my patent drafting, patent work, and patent advice:

"Thank you for your amazing job with our patent application. It was a pleasure working with you and you
made the process so easy!"
        by Abby,  Inventor

"Andrew is a very knowledgeable patent attorney and was incredibly helpful in the filing of my provisional patent."
        by Jeff,  Attorney

"This is really well done. Thank you. I have inserted a couple of notes for you to consider."
        by Beverly, Partner at Law Firm

"This is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Thanks very much, and please go ahead with these."
        by Michael, In-house Council

"The draft looks good. I don't have any further comments."
        by Gian, Inventor at a Large Company

"Thanks for the well done draft ..... No further comments from me."
        by Al

"I reviewed it and it looks good to me."
        by Anky

"Thanks Andrew for the detailed work here, all looks good to us."
        by Al, John, and Dale

"The application looks really good already. We only had very minor updates in a couple of places."
        by Mara